Top 5 Weird Al songs that aren’t parodies

Staple a jelly doughnut to your ear, set your spleen to channel 27 and ask your favourite albino squirrel to a dance. Lex Friedman joins Mark to discuss their top-5 songs by “Weird” Al Yankovic that aren’t parodies.

Lex is, among many things (musician, improviser, podcaster, game developer and consultant), a turbo Yankovic fan, and it’s quite possible that even Al himself might struggle to come up with a better list.

  • (00:00) - Stay weird, Al
  • (00:40) - Introduction
  • (01:04) - Getting into Weird Al
  • (05:52) - Weird: The Al Yankovic Story
  • (08:02) - Lex’s pick: Word Crimes
  • (11:06) - Mark’s pick: Everything You Know is Wrong
  • (14:26) - Lex’s pick: Trapped in the Drive-Thru
  • (18:16) - Mark’s pick: Albuquerque
  • (21:41) - Lex’s pick: Hardware Store
  • (24:04) - Mark’s pick: Christmas at Ground Zero
  • (26:49) - Lex’s pick: Skipper Dan
  • (28:33) - Mark’s pick: Your Horoscope for Today
  • (31:04) - Lex’s pick: Frank's 2000" TV
  • (32:49) - Mark’s pick: The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota
  • (37:27) - Midamble
  • (39:40) - Building the final list
  • (40:55) - Honourable mentions
  • (45:17) - The music of Liam & Lex
  • (48:00) - More of Lex Friedman

Find Lex online on his website, play one of his many word games, hang out with him on Mastodon, or buy one or all of Liam & Lex’s albums.

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Creators and Guests

Mark Steadman
Mark Steadman
My mum thinks I’m an internet thought leader. I haven’t had the heart to tell her I just have a microphone and some good intentions.
Top 5 Weird Al songs that aren’t parodies
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