Top 5 moments of anarchism

This week’s guest is Liam Barrington-Bush, a Bristol-based activist who helps organisations think more like people, and has loads of real-world experience of how people can govern themselves, build their own systems, and get closer to achieving what they want, without having those systems handed down to them.

After years of community activism and disillusionment with political systems, Liam discovered that people were capable of remarkable things when they weren’t being told what to do. Mark and Liam discuss the way the Internet has enabled or changed activism, but allowing information to spread to places that wouldn’t ordinarily be affected or invested. They also examine what happens after the dust has settled.

Mentioned in this episode

Follow Liam on Twitter @hackofalltrades, and check out his website.


About the guest

Photo of Liam Barrington-Bush

Liam Barrington-Bush

Helping keep ‘hoods undesirable.

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